The DBU staff

Árpád Bőczén (KÖME)
Architect, cultural heritage manager, community-radio dj. As the president of KÖME he is responsible for the establishment of the education centre at Pomáz and for the renovation of the sustainable exhibition building. His main interests are the relations among architecture, landscape and cultural changes. He takes heritage interpretation seriously in his work. He has been working on strategic documents and planning, urban tours, personal experience-based smartphone guided tour, exhibition and alternative tourist guidance in the past years.

Rita Cserép (KÖME)
Cultural heritage expert. She contributes to the project management of “Young talented students’ involvement in the Pilis Biosphere Reserve’s heritage communication” project and also works on our “Earth Day” event. Earlier she has been working as a guide on several exhibitions, took part in museum-pedagogy projects. She has been an educator of high school students on cultural heritage related topics.

Réka Előd (DINPI)
She graduated from Szent István University’s Landscape Management Department as a regional development expert. Since 2002 she has been working for the Duna-Ipoly National Park’s Eco-tourism and Environmental Education department. Since 2014 She is the head of department. One of her tasks is to reinforce the commitment of the local residents towards the Biosphere Reserve in the Pilis area – this is her main connection to the education centre.

László Ferenczi (KÖME, CEU)
Archaeologist, historian and cultural heritage expert, currently finishing his PhD thesis in Medieval Studies at the Central European University. His interest in the Pilis area is related to the topic of his thesis, the focus of which is the medieval management of monastic landscapes and monastic estates. Apart from administering administrative tasks related to the cooperation of CEU and ACHEM, he is also responsible to provide scientific input into developing educational materials to be used in the framework of the project, as well as the management plan of the Pomáz-Nagykovácsi site.

József Laszlovszky Dr. (CEU)
Archaeologist, historian, cultural heritage expert. As head of Cultural Heritage Studies department at CEU, he leads the university course development related to the education centre. He has been studying the ancient church at Pomáz for more than two decades. His professional interest focuses on medieval royal residences, monastic culture and medieval glass manufacturing and on landscape-archaeology and medieval landscape-management in connection to the Pomáz site. He is also interested in heritage interpretation methodologies.

Szilvia Németh Dr. Jankainé (DINPI)
She is trained as agronomist and environmental engineer. She has been working for Duna Ipoly National Park since 1997, she has been leading the “Kökörcsin House” forest education centre as an environmental educator. She has been served as a ranger in the Biosphere Reserve for seven years. Her main contribution is her knowledge of the area and dense local social network. Her main responsibility is to coordinate with the nearby local authorities in various projects on behalf of the National Park.

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